Why Dogs Bite Kids
Study Shows Common Links As medical reports of dogs biting children continued to increase, researchers started to ask, “Why?” Henceforth, a veterinary behavior clinic in Philadelphia embarked on a study to help us understand what makes a dog’s mind tick…or at least what ticks it off when it comes to kids. As reported in the medical journal Injury Prevention , researchers at the veterinary behavioral clinic examined 111 cases of dog bites by 103 dogs (representing 41 different dog breeds) that took place over a four-year period. Several notable patterns came to their attention: the dogs displayed territorial behavior, anxiety, or were coping with medical issues at the time the biting occurred. Territorial Behavior Researchers suggest the main cause of aggression in dogs stems from territorial behavior: Children under the age of 6 were more likely to be bitten when a dog felt the kids were threatening to take his food or toys. Older children were bitten when the dog felt the ...